The Gallery
With the GaMi16, still today, after over 50 years from its birth, we can take very high quality pictures. With the modern sensitive material it's possible to carry out blowups until 30x40cm without particular problems. In this gallery there are some images taken with the GaMi16. One of its great advantages is the possibility to use all the types of film avilable thanks to the Film Cutter and the Spoolwinder.
An enthusiast Chinese camera collector sent us some pictures taken by his GaMi16 camera. His name is Chang and he lives in Shenzhen a city near Hong Kong.
Chang has an interesting blog where he spokes about GaMi16 and other subminiature cameras.
Picture taken during "Mille Miglia" race 2002
Film Kodak Gold100 1/250 f:5,6
Picture taken during "Mille Miglia" race 2002
Film Kodak Gold100 1/500 f:5,6
Picture taken with Prox Lens to 32cm
Film Kodak Gold100 1/100 f:8
Picture taken with Prox Lens to 25cm
Film Kodak Gold100 1/100 f:11(flash)
Prag Winter 2003
Film Kodak Gold100 1/100 f:5,6
Mont St.Michel France August 2005
Film Kodak Gold100 1/250 f:8
Fecamp France August 2005
Film Kodak Gold100 1/500 f:5,6
Winter 2005
Film Kodak Gold100 1/250 f:8
Picture taken with Prox Lens to 25cm
If you would like to send pictures taken by GaMi16, please write to:
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