The GaMi16
The GaMi16 was sold in a package of good quality and elegant level. In the box there were, besides the camera, some other accessories that completed the set: a leather case, generally a standard case, the other special cases were sold separately, a film cartridge of Ferraniacolor negative color, a special cartridge to test the camera without the film, a carryng chain, the booklet and the summary instructions, the test certificate with serial number and signed by the tester, the registration card. After the first years of production a list of the dealers of GaMi16 in the world was enclosed.
There are, at least, three versions of the box of the GaMi16.
Three versions of the GaMi16 box
The first GaMi16 package was as seen in the picture:
The first type of italian packaging of GaMi16 n.339153
This is the first version of the packaging. Inside there are a booklet, a Ferraniacolor cartridge Code:Gafen 1667, a special cartridge to test the camera without the film, summary istructions, registration card, test certificate and the case.
The GaMi16 with the exposure meter to 200asa had a different booklet with green cover for the english version, a metalic carryng chain, a booklet titled "Servizio e depositi film" (Films and Services), where the GaMi16 dealers in the world were listed. The Gami16 was sold in 126 cities in the world. The other accessories were the same of the first version.
Second version of packaging for italian market. GaMi16 n.342740
Below there are the two different English versions of the booklet.
First english version of the booklet since 1955
Second english version of the booklet, with green cover, since January 1959
The rare first italian version of the booklet (1954)
In this picture is reproduced the first italian booklet version where it is possible to see a different type of film advance gear for winding film. This type of round shaft was never produced. Probably this picture was taken on prototype, actually in the successive booklets there is the square gear like in all the GaMi16s produced.
Detail of the first and the second gear shaft version
First version with exposure meter to 100asa
During the 1955, a very simple leaflet was enclosed in the camera box. This instruction described how to use the exposure meter (100asa) with 200-400asa films.
The leaflet instruction to use 200-400asa film
Second version with exposure meter to 200asa
First English version 1955
Second English version with flash Ferrania Code: n.1693 Gasin
The project of the booklet was made by Eng. Ambrogio Carini. In this sketch, by courtesy Mr. Ignazio Frigerio (at that time responsible of Galileo Corporation of America), you can see how the project is similar to the real booklet.
The Eng.Ambrogio Carini's sketch of the GaMi16 booklet project
By courtesy of Mr. I.Frigerio (Galileo Corporation of America)
These are the pictures on the booklet similar to the project. In the Fig.8 of the sketch there is a gear shaft like that reproduced in the italian first version booklet of 1954 (Fig.5).
Summary of istructions for use was enclosed in the GaMi16 package. There were no variations during the entire period of production.
Summary of istructions of the GaMi16
Inside the box there was a test certificate. In the beginning was written by hand. After that, the serial number was printed with a rubber stamp.
Test certificate. To the center first version and right last version
A special cartridge was enclosed to test the camera without the use of film. Inside the cartridge there is a bit of film 16mm, but there is no spool.
Special cartridge for mechanical test
After that the registration card was sent, the "Officine Galileo" put in a list the names of the Gami16 owners to send bullettins and information on GaMi16 system.
Registration Card
GaMi16 was launched in U.S.A. on December 26, 1954. "The New York Times" wrote this article:
The "The New York Times" article for GaMi16 launch on U.S.A. market, December 26, 1954
Until 1956 the registration card was the same in all the world, when the Buttafarri dealer ended the distribution of GaMi16 was founded the GaMi Corporation. So the registration card for the U.S.A. market became this:
By courtesy Mr. David Morrison
After the 1957, the package contained a little booklet titled "Servizio e depositi film" (Service,Films,Cameras and Accessories) where every dealer that sold cameras accessories and films for the GaMi16 were listed. The camera and its accessories were sold in 126 towns in the world.
The 126 towns where was possible to find GaMi16 cameras accessories and films
If you would like to send any information about GaMi16, please write to:
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